Bee Smart
When playing “Bee Smart”, you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled, stay focussed, and select the best flower.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, the little bee is buzzing around! Whoever wants to collect the most honey pots will have to keep an eye on it!
Successful honey collectors must not only be smart, but must also be observant and quick. This is especially important when a little bee is searching for pollen and the other competition has the same plan!
The little bee will have to focus to be able to select the flower with the best colour match. Quick! Who will find the best flower for their bee first?

The bees start at the same time and look for the flowers with the most nectar.
On the flowers, set, go!
Arrange the colourful field of flowers differently for every game. The flower tiles should be mixed and placed in a 6 x 5 grid before playing. Each player takes a bee-pilot at the start of the round. A colour will be selected for each round by rolling the die.

The busy bees are competing for the fullest flowers.
All players simultaneously try to place their bee on the best flower tile according to the colour shown on the die. Players should select the flower tile whose horizontal and vertical rows contain the most matches with the colour rolled.
To make it more difficult, the colour can be matched with both the colour of the flower petals and the colour of the centre of the flower. You must be quick! Only one bee can land on each tile!

The game for clever junior beekeepers and honey-fans from 5 years onwards.
Hardworking bees!
Whoever finds the best flowers receives the largest collection of honey pots! After each round, a few flower tiles can be swapped around so that each round of every game is fresh and challenging. A player wins the game when they have collected 10 pots of honey.
Bee Smart encourages concentration, fast reactions and basic counting skills. Which bee will select the best flowers and collect the most honey?